Tuesday 30 January 2018

High-Rise Survival: Building Evacuation Kit

Getting out of a high-rise is even safer with this building evacuation kit! Read on and find out the things you can rely on when the unexpected happens!

This Building Evacuation Kit Will Get You out Safely

Most of the buildings have an evacuation plan that can lead everyone on safer grounds. Building management posts visual images of floor plans to show residents where the emergency exits are as well as safety reminders during such situations. But when the initial plan falls apart, you need to have a ready-to-go emergency kit nearby. Having a kit with the right items can make a huge difference in getting out of a high-rise and avoiding injury or death. On that note, here are the things you need for your building evacuation kit.

1. Work Gloves

Work Gloves | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
In the event of a building evacuation, having durable work gloves will protect your hands from broken glass or other sharp objects, hot door handles, etc. It will be very difficult to use other items on this list if your hands get injured.

2. Pry Tool

Pry Tool | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
A pry tool is one of the most important things you need to have in a building evacuation kit. The main goal of an evacuation is to get out, and there can be scenarios where the exits are blocked because of jammed doors or fallen debris. Having a pry tool can help you open malfunctioning doors, break glass if needed, and remove debris preventing your path to safety.

3. Headlamps

Headlamps | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
There are a lot of people who don't consider keeping a headlamp in their emergency kits, but in an event of a power outage or a thick fire, smoke makes it difficult for you to see and find the exit. In which case, you will need a good source of light.

Finding your way out would be even easier if you can still use both of your hands for other things like using a pry tool or helping someone in need. Headlamps can light your path to safety; and you can use your hands for other tasks.

4. Bandana

Bandana | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
A bandana is just a small, light item but it is a significant part of any emergency kit because it can help you out in a time of crisis. It can be used as a sling, a tourniquet, a bandage, and a dust or smoke mask that can aid in your respiration. Not only that, you can also use it to signal others who might be searching for you.

5. Safety Googles

Safety Googles | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
It can be really hard to see the way when the smoke gets in your eyes. That is why having safety goggles with anti-fog and anti-scratch coating in your building evacuation kit is favorable. They can protect your eyes from smoke or any kind of debris, which can hinder you from finding your way out of the premises.

Preview Product Rating Price
DEWALT DPG82-11 Concealer Clear Anti-Fog Dual Mold Safety Goggle DEWALT DPG82-11 Concealer Clear Anti-Fog Dual Mold Safety Goggle 5167 Reviews $10.29 Buy on Amazon

6. Fire Blankets

Fire Blankets | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
One of the essentials you must not forget in your building evacuation kit is a fire blanket. It can help you get out safely in the event of a fire. You can put out a fire or easily douse the flame when an individual's clothes catch fire. Also, these blankets are strong enough to transport someone by putting dragging or lifting them to safety.

Preview Product Rating Price
Tonyko® Fiberglass Fire Blanket, 39 x 39-inch Tonyko® Fiberglass Fire Blanket, 39 x 39-inch 59 Reviews $9.88 Buy on Amazon

7. Signaling Device

Signaling Device | High-Rise Survival | What You Need In Your Building Evacuation Kit
When escape is impossible, you need a signaling device so someone can rescue you immediately. You can use a flare and wave it outside the window to signal for help or a whistle to alert rescuers of your location. Use what you deem is necessary for the situation.

Watch this video from Tech Insider and find out the quickest way to get out of a high-rise in emergency situations!

When you're in a high-rise building and an emergency situation occurs, the first thing you need to do is evacuate. But if you find yourself in a position where everything you practiced is thrown out the window, having a building evacuation kit is a lifesaver. There might be instances when you can't open an exit door there is a fire creeping into the hallway preventing your escape. The items on this list will assist you in evacuating the building in various emergency events. So don't think twice about making your own evacuation kit because safety should always be a top priority. Stay safe!

Do you already have a building evacuation kit? What are items included? Share us your list in the comments below! 

from SurvivalLife https://survivallife.com/building-evacuation-kit/

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