Do you know what your most important survival skill in an urban crisis is?
It’s not how well you shoot, how much you’re packing, or how many knots you can tie…
Your survival could well depend on exactly how much you look like everyone else.
This survival tactic is a form of urban camouflage called “gray man,” and in the middle of an urban crisis or martial law, it could be the only thing that keeps you from having a target painted on your back and a bullet in your brain.
Being a gray man and having the ability to seamlessly slip in and out of situations unnoticed is an art form mastered by few…
Do it wrong and you’re dead… do it right and you’re home free.
It takes years to perfect, but I’d like to share some Gray Man survival tactics with you to help you get started. To get started, check out the video below, then scroll down to learn more.
What is a Gray Man?
A gray man is someone who blends in where they go. It is a person who does not stand out. They are wallflowers. Outside of a survival situation, this can be an incredible asset, especially for information gathering and improving your situational awareness if you don’t stand out you greatly reduce your risk of being targeted.
The Art Of Blending In
How is this accomplished? It seems simple enough — just blend in. But there is actually quite an art form to this. I will caution you… don’t go overboard. The key is to blend in without looking like you’re trying to blend in. Try to hard and you’ll end up sticking out like a sore thumb.
Height is an element of being a gray man that we have little control over. The best gray man is ordinary in every respect. He’s of average height (5’10” for men and 5’ 4” for women) and weight (180lbs for men and 166lbs for women). While you don’t have much control your height and weight control is lifelong issue for many of us, there are a few things you can do to help yourself blend in more.
For men:
Long shorts, monochromatic colors or horizontally striped clothing, flat shoes, leaving a longer shirt un-tucked, and slouching could all help you to appear shorter. The slouch will also help make you appear as less of a threat by making you seem less than healthy. Just be sure to only use this when blending in; otherwise you could damage your spine.
For women:
Try wearing Capri pants, or pants with cuffs in them. Wear flats instead of heels that cover the tops of your feet (this could also help in case you do need to break into a sprint to escape.) Carrying a large bag will also help you seem smaller.
We’re gearing up for #SXSW here in Austin…
— Survival Life (@SurvivalLF) March 10, 2016’re-Tall
How you dress is an element completely within your control. For the most part, natural and neutral colors work best — browns and grays. Highly colorful and graphic shirts should be avoided at all costs. Nothing that shows off a lot of skin and nothing too fashionable. Ordinary is the key word here.
This is one thing in a bug out situation that I think is key. A lot of people, myself included, have a bug out backpack that should get them out of a situation no problem, but that backpack looks like something you would see on a soldier in Afghanistan and really sticks out in a crowd. This is likely to get you killed or at least get your gear stolen.
That is why I think a really good bug out bag looks like a normal backpack that you would see on a college student, and wouldn’t think twice about. Sure, the tactical might look “cool,” but remember, you’re trying to avoid looking like anything.This also applies to how you “dress” your car and even your front yard. We all have strong opinions (and that’s a good thing) but in a crisis you don’t want to make yourself an enemy. Putting overly political or identifying stickers on your car or signs in your yard can only serve to paint a target on your back.
Your mannerisms must be small and discreet. Avoid grand, sweeping gestures. Reduce your energy level to a low simmer. You need to appear withdrawn and aloof.
Even if you’re a strong type A personality, you need to avoid projecting confidence. Avoid sweeping your head side to side and use your peripheral vision as much as possible. Keep your head slightly tilted forward and avoid eye contact.
One of the key elements of camouflage is learning to match your movement to the baseline. When you’re in a crowd, even if you want to push through and get to the front of the pack… STOP. Move with the crowd, and match their speed and cadence. Walk with a purpose but avoid projecting authority. This is probably the single most important part of your gray man tactics.
The speed at which a crowd moves, the gestures they make, the volume and speed with which they speak. All these elements and many more make up the baseline. You can learn the baseline for a given neighborhood by sitting at any cafe or coffee shop and watching. You might be surprised at what you learn.
Learning to walk like the natives walk will hide you better than just about anything else.I think that this is key during times of social unrest or martial law. The people most at risk of attack are the people whom the group believes to be against their cause. If you are caught near a riot, just try to blend in while moving quickly to the nearest egress point.
Want to know EXACTLY what to do during a riot?
Check out these 10 Riot Survival Tips Every Patriot Needs To Know.
Your goal as a gray man is to go unnoticed. Be the type of person that no one gives a second look. You are a wallflower, you blend in, do this and you may survive the next urban crisis.
I hope these tips help you start down the path to becoming a gray man… do you have any that you’d like to share?
Leave a comment below and let us know.
from SurvivalLife
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