Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Dick’s Sporting Goods will stop selling BLACK Rifles

Dick's Sporting Goods has announced they will stop selling so-called assault-style rifles -- in other words, they will no longer sell guns that are Black and Look Scary... #BlackGunsMatter? [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Monday, 26 February 2018

Living Off the Grid

Everything you need to know about Off-grid Living. What it means, how to find land, how to power your home, how to make money and what you should expect. [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Introducing Frailejones: The Andes’ Perfect Survival Plant

Cattails, amaranth, clovers, and dandelions are all typical plants of choice for the survivalist, but what about the frailejon? If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry; most people outside South America have never even seen one before. These amazing survival plants are only found in a very specific region of the Andes, where the climate is just right for them to flourish.

For hikers, explorers and other outdoor enthusiasts traveling in this part of the world, frailejones can serve as a critical survival and medicinal plant. When the going gets tough, these plants are your best friends. Or, you could use your knowledge of frailejones to impress fellow travelers next time you’re hiking in the Andes.

There are many plants helpful for survival that you can grow at home, check out our list here.

What is Frailejon?

Frailejon is immediately recognizable. While exploring the foggy flanks of the northern Andes, you’ll no doubt catch glimpses of shadowy, slender figures dotting the landscape. These silhouetted forms can look like other hikers in the fog, but on closer inspection, you’ll find something much stranger.

A plant, anywhere from a few centimeters to a few meters high. It might look like a cactus at first, but the leaves are soft, and the spines feel more like fur. The twisted stalk gives way to a spongy mass of leaves bunched at the top, and you might see yellow flowers poking up here and there. Botanists call this wacky-looking plant the espeletia, but most locals simply call them frailejones, or friars. Indeed, they certainly look priestly, with their shaggy forms vaguely resembling cassock-clad monks in dim light. At night, the frailejones can be a bit of an otherworldly sight when hiking in the Andes.

Where Can You Find Frailejone?

In areas where they’re endemic, frailejones can cover the landscape like a spongy blanket. They’re most commonly found in Colombia, along with the western highlands of Venezuela and Northern Ecuador. Failejones also grow in some parts of Peru, but are not particularly common. In all four countries, you’ll only see frailejones on the paramo.

The paramo is a high altitude tropical ecosystem. It is usually wet, windy, and cold, and sometimes resembles moorlands. As for the frailejones, they typically grow on paramo at altitudes of 1800 to 4700 meters. However, this height can vary, depending on the specific climate of the paramo. In general, however, you can expect to find frailejones on any high altitude slopes in wet and cold regions. In some places, it’s hard to walk without stepping on one; elsewhere, it can be challenging to find even a single plant.

General Survival Uses

Frailejones have a surprisingly diverse set of applications for campers and survivalists. Next time you’re in the northern Andes, try out a few of these for yourself. Bear in mind, however, that the frailejon is considered endangered due to agricultural clearing.

In some areas where the plant is plentiful, it can seem harmless to take a few leaves for yourself, but keep in mind that frailejones grow exceptionally slowly. So if you need to harvest the plant for yourself, do so sparingly. Only take a few of the outer leaves from limited plants where permitted. In some areas frailejon harvesting is banned, while in others it is entirely acceptable. When in doubt, play it safe and refrain from picking this plant.


The rocky, wet terrain of the paramo offers very few spots for the weary traveler to sleep for the night. Luckily, the frailejon can save the day. The wide, spongy leaves of the frailejon make an excellent camping mattress or pillow. Simply harvest dry leaves, evenly pile them, then lie down to compress them a bit. Stuff them inside a plastic bag to make a decent pillow, or heap them under your tent for a little extra comfort in the night.

In Venezuela, you’ll often see local hikers harvesting frailejones by the armload, piling them into ridiculously high improvised mattresses. Don’t copy this wasteful behavior. Instead, take only what you need, and do so sparingly.


Frailejones make an excellent addition to any improvised shelters, such as a lean-to, wedge hut, or round hut. Packing them all over the walls will offer protection from the wind while helping keep the precious warmth inside.

Medicinal Uses

Along with being suitable construction material for bedding and improvised shelters, frailejones also purportedly have some serious health benefits. They are believed to ward off altitude sickness. An attribute that makes them quite a popular survival plant among travelers hiking in the Andes.

Frailejon tea

A common folk cure for altitude sickness, frailejon leaves can be used to make a bitter, but tasty tea. Boil washed leaves vigorously for at least 10 minutes, then drink hot. You should use roughly one medium-sized leaf per cup of water. Cinnamon is also traditionally added for a bit of flavor. I’ve tried this myself, and find it can be pretty refreshing and helps with the symptoms of mild altitude sickness.

Frailejon resin

Boiling the tea further will lead to the liquid forming into a thick mess of bitter yellow syrup. It might look gross (and ruin your cooking pot), but Andean locals claim it can help with asthma and other respiratory problems. At altitudes like these, anything to make breathing easier is welcome.

Bonus tip: frailejon nightcap

As a final ode to the glorious frailejon, let me introduce perhaps its greatest application: as booze. On a cold Andean night, a frailejon nightcap can work wonders, easing sore muscles and helping even the most restless traveler get their Zs on.

To try it for yourself, begin by making the frailejon tea described above. Add a tablespoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of sugar, a dash of cardamom and a bit of nutmeg, depending on taste. Simmer for a few minutes after the initial vigorous boil, and add either aguardiente (basically moonshine) or a spirit of your choice.

In Venezuela, I’d opt for their excellent rum, while in Colombia you’re better off sticking to an aniseed liquor. In Ecuador, trago de caña will do the trick.
After a total of 15-20 minutes of boiling, strain the leaves and drink hot. You’ll thank me.

So what do you think? Will you be keeping an eye out for this legendary plant on your next trip to the Andes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

from SurvivalLife

Friday, 23 February 2018

Tent vs. Hammock Camping: And the Winner is…

Tent vs. Hammock Camping...And the Winner is...

Camping hammocks have exploded in popularity in recent years, but are they all they’re cracked up to be? Over the past year, I’ve been toying around with my camping hammock, to see how it measures up to my tent. The results might surprise you.

Before trying hammock camping for yourself, check out our guide to basic hammock camping.

Advantages of a hammock

Trees are everywhere

At first glance, the camping hammock seems far more restrictive than the traditional tent – at least regarding finding the perfect spot to crash for the night. Surely it’s a pain in the backside to find the perfect pair of trees, right? Wrong. On most popular wilderness hiking trails, there’s never a shortage of trees.

Most national parks have plenty of trees, and even relatively sparsely vegetated regions still have plenty of spots to string up a hammock. You just think that they aren’t there because you haven’t been looking.

If you’re still unconvinced, then try this experiment: next time you go for a walk in the wilderness, try keeping a count of how many suitable hammock camping sites you see. Odds are, you’ll count far more than you expect. So in the tent vs. camping hammock debate, trees just aren’t as much of a factor as you may think.

That means more campsites!

In practice, I’ve found that locking in a good hammock camping site is usually much easier than finding a tent site. While trees are everywhere, so is uneven, rocky ground. This is particularly true of wooded areas, where tent campers have roots and stones galore to contend with.

How many times have you settled down in your tent at the end of a long day, only to have some sneaky rock jab you in the back? What about those moments when you discover the ground isn't nearly as even as you thought it was, and now you’re stuck sleeping on an annoying slope?

The reality is, once you switch to a camping hammock, you’ll find you usually have more flexibility than tent campers. For example, when was the last time you tent camped right next to your water source, or up a slope to the side of a crowded campsite?

Speed of set-up

This one may be contentious, but I’m going to say it: hammocks are quicker to set up. Between spending less time looking for a site, clearing a square, smashing those pegs in and the like, tents take a few minutes for even the pros to get set up.

Camping hammocks, on the other hand, just involve clipping straps around two trees. You’re done in mere seconds, and it couldn't be easier. Cleanup is a breeze too. Put simply, the question of which camping method is quicker to set up is well and truly settled.

Protection against the cold, wet ground

Who enjoys waking up to discover they’re camping on slush? We’ve all had those nights when the rain comes down, and all of a sudden that perfect campsite becomes a mushy, wet, mess of misery. You won’t get that with a hammock. Ever.


Overall, hammocks are more comfortable than even the best camping mattress. Maybe you’re hardcore and like to say you don’t care about comfort, but let’s be honest. Deep down inside, all any of us really want is a decent night’s sleep, and camping hammocks provide that much more consistently than any tent. So concerning which is more comfortable, the hammock wins every single time.


Perhaps not the most important factor for everyone, but camping hammocks are a bit cheaper than most tent set-ups. My cheap hammock set-up cost me less than $100, while my tent was a few hundred. Evidently, there’s a lot of room for variation here, and the price difference may not even matter to most campers.

Disadvantages of a hammock

Frustrating learning curve

I’m not going to sugar-coat it: my first few camping hammock escapades were pretty lame, mostly because I spent half the time wrestling with a somewhat uncooperative hammock. I’m not alone. Most campers are used to tents, and switching to a hammock can a learning curve. Getting the height right and making yourself comfortable takes a bit of practice, not to mention a time investment.


While it’s possible to make a camping hammock set-up lighter than the average tent, it’s not easy. In fact, the most significant complaint new hammock campers have is the additional weight. The hammock itself isn’t the problem; it’s the tarp, the bug net, the straps, and other gear that ends up making this set-up just a few kilos heavier than a tent. Unfortunately, hammocks lose in the weight department, though perhaps not all of the time.

For a good light-weight camping hammock, check out this tactical hammock review.

When a camping hammock is better

Casual camping on well-trodden trails

For casual camping trips to your average national park, camping hammocks are just so much better than tents. You’ll never have trouble finding somewhere to sleep in even the most cramped of camping sites. Not only that, but you’ll sleep better than anyone else.

When you’re camping in woodlands

Any heavily wooded areas lend themselves well to hammock camping. While tent dwellers are struggling with the afore-mentioned roots and rocks, you’ll be chilling a few feet above the ground in style and comfort.

When to stick with your tent, and avoid camping hammocks


Perhaps it’s just me, but I’ve had no success with beach hammock camping. It might sound idyllic to merely find a few palm trees and sit back with a beach-side piña colada, but odds are it won’t work out that way. In reality, you’ll end up miles away from the shore, trying to find a half-decent tree by the roadside. For beach bums, tents are way better.

High mountains

When you’re doing a serious hike at over 4000 above sea level, camping hammocks are pretty much useless. The extra weight will drag you down, and good luck finding a single tree. Even if you do manage to find somewhere to camp, you’ll be knocked around all night by the wind. Stick with your tent for intense hikes.

What do you think? If you’ve had your own experience with hammock camping, let us know in the comments below.

from SurvivalLife

11 Weird Ways to Start Fires

11 Weird Ways to Start Fires

Sometimes it’s hard to know how to start a fire. Perhaps you’re out of matches, or maybe the weather is horrendous. Sure, there are plenty of smart, easy ways to start fires, but why be conventional? Over the years, generations of fire starters have figured out some pretty weird ways to start fires. Are they all practical? No. Are they all awesome? Yes.

If you’re looking for more conventional ways to get a fire going, check out this article. Or check out this article for how to make the perfect campfire every time.

Odd Ways to Start Fires

Fresnel Lens

Fresnel lenses are all around you, but you might not know it. It is a kind of glass used to magnify light and can be found in some rear-view mirrors. However, the most common place you’ll find one is in any old, large television. Modern LCD and plasma TVs of the last few decades are more advanced in their technology, but older projection sets commonly include a Fresnel lens. Simply remove the lens, and use it as a magnifying glass to create a death ray of fire starting awesomeness.

Condom Fire Starter

Condoms can literally be used to make fires. In fact, this is merely a bizarre variation on the aqua lens. For anyone unfamiliar with this group of improvised fire starters, any clear container filled with water can be used as a magnifying glass, focusing the sun’s rays on your tinder. Condoms (balloons as well) happen to be surprisingly good at this. Just fill the condom with water, and hold it at an angle to best concentrate sunlight. With any luck, you’ll have a fire going in no time.

A Light Bulb

Another unexpectedly effective aqua lens for fire starting is the humble light bulb. Snap off the end of the bulb, and remove the contents. Then, fill it with water and use it just like the condom above.

REALLY Weird Ways to Start Fires


In one final twist on the aqua lens, try using a large chunk of ice. As with the previous two methods, angle the ice in a way that concentrates light on your tinder. This method is pretty hard to pull off though, so you’ll need some patience. You’ll also need gloves. Otherwise, your fingers will freeze long before the fire gets going. To see this fire starting method in action, check out the video below.

Dead Lighter and Paper

Think that old Bic has reached the end of its life? Not so fast! First, you’ll need a smooth surface to work with. Place a piece of paper flat on the surface, and remove the safety lock from a dead lighter. Then, roll the lighter slowly but firmly over the paper. As you do this, the flint rod inside the lighter will get ground down by the wheel, creating little shavings that you can collect and use.


Perhaps more useful than most of the ways to start fires on this list, a flashlight can be an excellent choice. This method relies on the same reflective cone used inside the flashlight to magnify its light. Remove the front of the flashlight, and pull out the shiny cone behind the globe. Then, pack the hole at the end of the cone with tinder, and point it towards the sun. On a sunny day, it’s not too hard to get the tinder to light. To see how, watch the video below.

Guitar pick

This method really rocks, if you’re not too picky (please excuse the puns). A guitar pick can be shredded into tinder, and easily ignited with a flint. To see how in detail, check out this article.

Clothes Dryer Lint

This method is inadvertently used by thousands of unlucky households each year. In fact, around 20,000 house fires are started annually across the country due to clothes dryers. In most cases, the cause is lint, which is surprisingly combustible. Lint is especially flammable when it comes into contact with metal, such as the wire in bras. So if you need to start a fire and only have laundry to work with, just pack the dryer full of lint and bras, turn it to full heat and watch. You’ll have a fire going in no time, but good luck controlling it.

Brake Fluid and Chlorine

This method is somewhat dangerous, but it works ridiculously well. Powdered chlorine will ignite almost immediately if doused in brake fluid; so if you want to know how to start a fire quickly, then this is it. Just made a small pile of chlorine powder, squirt it with brake fluid, and keep your distance. Once you’ve got some smoke going, add kindling and watch your chemical fire burn. I wouldn’t use this for cooking, as the chemicals aren't recommended for consumption. Also, make sure you wear protective goggles and gloves, because both brake fluid and chlorine are pretty toxic. See this method in action in the video below.

Car Battery and Pencil

Car batteries are obviously packed with energy, and thus make for a simple – albeit dangerous – way to get a fire going. In this unorthodox method, you’ll just need a pencil, a car battery, and some jumper cables. Cut the pencil in half to expose the graphite within, and attach the jumper cables to either end. Then, connect the cables to the car battery, and watch as the graphite glows red hot. The pencil’s outer wooden jacket should quickly catch fire and can be supplemented with tinder and kindling. Be extremely careful of the heat generated by this method, and be sure to wear protective equipment.

Galaxy Note 7 Smartphone

Yes, this one is just a joke; after all, who would want a Galaxy Note?

In all seriousness though, Samsung’s recall of the Galaxy Note 7 illustrated the power of lithium phone batteries to start fires. To try for yourself, simply remove the battery from a cellphone, and touch the battery’s positive and negative contact points with steel wool. This will create sparks that can be used to get tinder smoldering. See for yourself in the video below.

So there you have it! Out list of 11 super weird and wacky ways to start fires.

Do you know if any other crazy fire-starting techniques? Let us know in the comments below!

from SurvivalLife

Government at Every Level Failed to Stop Florida School Shooting, But they want you to Give Up Your Guns and Trust Them

We have learned that governments from the local and state level all the way up to the federal government had multiple chances to stop the shooting but instead choose to do nothing. Now they want to take away your right to legally defend yourself in the face of this type of attack. [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

The problem isn’t guns, it’s the Schools -Media ignores hundreds of schools stabbing every year.

Ban Guns and our schools will be safe, right? Wrong. While the freak jobs in the media launch themselves into a frenzy over the latest school shooting, trying to claim the most recent school shooting [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

How to Mark Trails Like a Pro

Learning how to mark trails isn’t as difficult as you may think. With a few basic pointers, anyone can mark a path from scratch and provide a reliable route for hikers for years to come. All you need is a hatchet, some paint and a sense of care and interest.

Basics of Trail Marking

Whether you’re creating a leisurely hike through your property or planning a survival route, knowing how to mark trails correctly can make a big difference. There’s nothing in the world better than a well-marked trail, and nothing more frustrating than the opposite.

This article looks at the basics of how to mark trails. We review the most commonly-used methods, and how to apply them to your paths. Bear in mind, however, that just because a process is listed here, that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate in all contexts. Keep in mind that while you’re generally free to do whatever you like on your land, the same cannot be said for public property – not to mention other people’s backyards. If you start smearing paint on other people’s trees, or hacking blazes on public land, you're just asking for trouble.

Once you know that you’re free to make a new trail, actually marking it can be a fun experience. To get started, all you’ll need is a hatchet or machete, and durable paint. In no time at all, you’ll know how to mark hiking trails with ease.

Use Appropriate markers

There’s much debate over what exactly makes the best trail marker. Should you use cairns, cut blazes, or leave a colored flag? In reality, the best tag is the one that is most appropriate for your specific need.


For most people heading out for a day hike, chalk is king. It doesn’t permanently scar the wilderness, leaves no trash behind, and will wash off after a day or two. Chalk is especially useful in national parks or on private property, where you can get into severe trouble if you needlessly vandalize your surroundings.

2. Environmental material

However, chalk isn’t always the best option, particularly in wet weather. The next step is to use material already in the environment. Rock cairns are a classic, along with sticks and pine cones. Slashing or painting marks in trees is also effective.

3. Dedicated markers

Finally, you’ve got your dedicated markers. Trail ribbon is a popular choice, while reflective tacks are a good idea if you plan to return after dark. These methods should only be used under appropriate circumstances, such as long-distance trips far off the grid.

Personally, I like to use trail stakes when appropriate. Bamboo skewers or similar can be fitted with colored plastic flags and placed at regular intervals as you hike. They’re easy to see and can be collected effortlessly on the return trip. After a long hike, fiddling around with a knot of ribbon is the last thing you want to do every few hundred meters.

Remember though – and I cannot stress this enough – to be careful with how you mark, even with chalk. Landowners can understandably get frustrated with hikers leaving their markers behind or vandalizing their property. Inappropriate use of markers on private land can cause enormous headaches for the various organizations that maintain trails.

One rude hiker can cause a landowner to close their property to trail maintainers; effectively ensuring the closure of the path. So be conservative with your markings, and if ever in doubt, bring along a GPS or smartphone. If you don’t know how to mark hiking trails respectfully, it's best not to try.

Cairns and duck rocks

Both ducks and cairns are extremely common forms of trail marking around the world. They’re easy to recognize, easy to make and simple to understand.

Cairns are piles of rocks used to mark trails, particularly in areas with limited trees or other natural markers. They should be around 2-3 feet high, and tall enough to see through fog or snow. To indicate a turn, add an accent in the given direction. An accent is just a fancy word for an extra couple of rocks to one side. Make sure to keep the emphasis clean and distinct. Otherwise, it might just leave you with a wonky looking cairn. Alternatively, you can use sticks to make an arrow in the desired direction. Arrows are universally understood, and more suitable than accents if your marker needs to be interpreted by less experienced hikers.

Ducks are pretty similar but are usually just three or more rocks heaped on top of each other. These are quicker and simpler than Cairns but can be easy to miss if you’re not careful. It’s for this reason that many hikers have a distaste for ducks, which some people say are lazy and ineffective.

In my opinion, ducks aren’t all bad. For one, they can make good reassurance markers. When constructing either option, make sure the rocks are stable, but try to keep them tall and thin. Wider or lopsided cairns can be easy to mistake for natural formations, so don’t be afraid put pride in your work and add distinctive flourishes.


As mentioned before, blazes are simple markers consisting of a slash or painted mark on a tree. The simplest way to make a blaze is with a machete or large knife, by carving a clear, distinct indicator into a tree. Paint is an acceptable alternative if you are concerned about harming the tree. Either way, place the mark around eye level, facing inwards toward the trail. Make sure your signs are visible from both directions. Keep in mind, next time you pass, it will be from the opposite direction. Consider adding some additional marks to indicate turns. For instance, turning your blaze into an arrow.

As with all such intrusive markings, blazes should be used sparingly, and only when you have permission from the landowner. Acceptable distances between blazes vary, but anywhere from 200 to 300 meters apart is normal. Make each blaze count by sticking to prominent, eye-catching trees that come into view easily from the desired directions.

In terms of use, blazes are best suited as reassurance markers – auxiliary trail markings that exist to reassure hikers that they’re heading in the right direction. A mix of blazes and Cairns can make for a great trail marking system, with Cairns being used at critical junctures such as sudden turns.

Understanding blaze code

While most trail markers are intended to be universally understood, blazes do have meanings of their own. In the US, a single vertical line means you should continue straight ahead. Two vertical parallel lines with a third stacked above and centered indicates the start of a trail, while the inverse (two parallel vertical lines above a single vertical line) indicates a trail end. A single vertical line with a second vertical line above and to the right of it indicates a right turn. As you might expect, a vertical line with a second line to the top and left is a left turn. Lastly, two vertical lines on top of each other, plus a single line to one side suggests a spur leading to a different trail. Keep in mind, however, that while these general rules often apply, different organizations have their own blaze codes, and they can even vary from trail to trail.

Making your mark count

If you’re trying to make a permanent trail marker, then make sure your mark counts. For blazes, this means cutting a flat surface into the tree to remove the bark, then painting over. In the US, hatchets are commonly used, with one hand on the handle and the other firmly holding the back of the head. Cut upwards in controlled movements, and keep the blaze as smooth and straight as possible. Then, cover the cut with a durable oil-based paint. The National Parks Service sells paint suitable for marking.

Don’t go overboard

However you choose to mark your trail, don’t go overboard with your markers. As mentioned before, 200-300 meters between markings is ideal, but this depends a lot on the terrain. Realistically, markers like blazes should come in predictable intervals, spaced an hour hiking time apart at the very most. If you can see two markers at the same time, then they’re definitely too close. Making trail marker the wrong distance apart is a common beginner mistake, and can lead to confusion – especially when you get lazy and start spacing them out later on.

Learn hiking lingo

If you’re marking a trail, you might also want to know what type of trail you’re making; getting your terms right could save both you and other hikers a lot of confusion. So, in the interests of marking trails correctly, here’s your basic list of lingo essentials:

  • Trailhead: The point where your trail begins. This should be marked prominently.
  • Loop trail: A simple trail type that loops back on itself, returning the hiker to the trailhead.
  • Spur trail: A minor trail that splits off from the main hike. It might head to a lookout, a campground, or even another trail. Either way, these trails should be marked as spurs, with some identification to indicate exactly they’re going. For example, if you’re making a spur trail to a camping area, a distinct picture of a tent will help plenty of weary hikers later on.
  • Thru-hike: A hike from one end of the trail to the other. If somebody is doing a thru-hike, it means they plan on covering your entire trail, end to end.
  • Switchback/Hairpin/Dead man’s curve: A sudden, extremely sharp turn. Such turns are common on steep routes. These are points in the trail where it’s easy for hikers to get lost. If you’re trying to mark your trail correctly, make sure to indicate these turns clearly and consistently.
  • Out-and-back: Sometimes called an “in-and-out”, these are simple trails that head to an endpoint but don’t loop back to the starting place. To return to the trailhead, hikers, need to follow the same trail that they followed on the way out.

See how others are marking trails

Even if you think you know what you’re doing regarding marking trails, there’s nothing wrong with seeing how the pros do it. I highly recommend visiting a few popular hikes, and observing how local maintenance staff marked trails. Pay attention to their blazes, what kind of symbols they use for indicator signs, and any other tidbits of trail marking that you can pick up.

Are you looking for ideas for new hiking trails to explore? Check out our list of amazing hikes you have to see to believe. Before you head out though, be sure to read these tips.

Augmented reality: The future of trail marking?

Now that you’ve learned the basics of marking trails let’s talk about how everything you just discovered will one day become obsolete – maybe. Augmented Reality, or AR, offers instant information about your surroundings through your camera-enabled smartphone. Forget maps, compasses and the like; just download an app, and use your phone as your guide. Some AR apps even allow you to leave virtual markers, which only you can see on your phone.

These breakthroughs have the potential to save trailblazers a lot of trouble with landowners while keeping the physical environment pristine. For now, though, most serious hikers still use physical maps and rely on markers. Whether this will change in the future is anyone’s guess.

If you'd like to try experimenting with AR and similar virtual trail apps, check out this list here. A personal favorite of mine is Marmota, an app that instantly identifies any mountain peak you might happen to stumble across. It’s a great way to impress your friends with your seemingly expert knowledge of the mountains.

Do you have any trail marking tips we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

from SurvivalLife

7 Types of Gear You Must Have In Your Bug out Bag

Are you new to being a survivalist? Learn the basics by going through our list of the 7 types of gear you must have in your bug out bag. [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Trump and the NRA Screw Gun Owners and Push the Start of Gun Control Under Trump Administration

Well, it looks like gun owners are going to be the sacrificial lamb yet again, as both the Trump administration and the NRA have decided to push for unconstitutional ATF/DOJ gun control regulations. [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Ready-Made Survival Meals That Actually Taste Good

Finding the best ready-made meals isn’t always easy. With so many on the market, it can be hard to know which ones will actually taste good. So, we’ve put together a list of some of the best ready-made meals out there, both for outdoor activities and survival preparation.

The Best Ready-Made Meals

The best ready-made meals are more than just bare sustenance. Sure, nutrient bars and bare gruel might keep you going, but when SHTF you’re still going to need a decent meal every so often. That’s what this list is for. These ready-made survival meals are among the best you’ll find, whether for weekend camping trips or for survival preparation.

Bear in mind that we’ve decided to mostly steer clear of bulk long-term storage options, as they’re a whole world of their own. This list also excludes homemade survival meals, so once you’re done stocking up on the best-packaged food, consider checking out DIY options. Making your own granola is easy, or try our recipe for Civil War fire cakes.

Lastly, while we’re limited to commercially available ready made survival meals, we’ve tried to include something for every taste. There are freeze-dried hiking pouches, MREs, and even some surprisingly good alternatives to the average pack of ramen. To top things off, we've even included dessert.

Admittedly, with so many ready-made options available, it was difficult to narrow down our list to just a few top picks. In general, meals were selected based on a mix of nutrition, value for the money, and just plain old taste. See what you think, by checking out the list below:

Mountain House MCWs: Ready-Made Meals with Variety

It’s pretty hard to talk about the best ready made meals without mentioning Mountain House (and yes, their products will appear again). These guys often top the list with their freeze-dried ready-mades and are extremely popular among hikers in particular.

The reasons are obvious: they’re easy to use, super light-weight and don’t take up much space in your pack. Best of all, they offer a great variety of fairly good tasting ready-made meals. Their line of cold weather meals (MCWs) are marketed as military grade. The company says it produces them for the US military, and that certainly doesn't surprise. Their line of MCWs come in a variety of flavors good enough to satisfy a platoon or two. Some highlights include the Turkey Tetrazzini, breakfast skillet and the beef stew.

On the downside, their ready-made survival meals with rice can come out a bit gluggy, such as the Mexican rice and chicken. Nonetheless, that’s to be expected among even the best ready made meals, so don’t let it bother you too much. Overall, at around $12 a pack, Mountain House MCWs are good value given the quality.

Personally, I recommended stocking up on a mix of flavors, and rotating them so they don’t get boring. Including the varieties mentioned above, there’s 12 to choose from in total. So even if you don’t happen to like one or two, at least you know you won’t have to eat the same meal again for nearly two weeks! Check them out here.

Augason Farms Freeze Dried Beef Chunks: Ready-Made Meal With Serious Meat

Arguably Mountain House’s toughest competitor in North America, Augason Farms has a fairly good line up of freeze dried ready-made meals, not to mention single ingredient pouches. However, they’re at their best when it comes to their freeze dried beef chunks, which make a great addition to any ready-made survival meal. Sure, they’re never going to compete with a choice cut fresh off the barbecue, but they’re certainly not bad.

I like to throw these beef chunks in with a simple stew, and eat it straight from the pot with some bread rolls. On a cold night in the middle of nowhere, it’s a five star meal. The only one problem is that the smallest pack is 1 lb (454 g), which sells for around $60. In other words, these beef chunks are extremely expensive, and perhaps best suited for groups or long term storage. See for yourself here.

French RCIR Varieties

It’s French, so you know it has to be good. In the world of ready to eat combat rations (MREs), the French have reigned supreme since the days of Napoleon. During international operations, the French Combat Ration Individual Reheatables (RCIRs) are highly prized.

For example, according to internet rumors, a single crate of RCIRs trades for an entire US field cot, which is apparently a big deal. That’s just one of the many legends surrounding the RCIR; another being the persistent rumor that they come with a small bottle of French wine. While that sounds awesome, it’s unfortunately not true.

Instead, you’ll have to settle for the likes of duck paté, stewed lamb, sauteed rabbit and pork cheek ravioli. The menu varies considerably depending on the specific model, but almost all are astonishingly good. Find out more here.

Italian RVSdC

Not to be outdone by the French, Italy puts up one hell of a fight with its combat rations, the Razione Viveri Speciale da Combattimento (RVSdC). The RVSdC varieties typically come with a good mix of meat, fruit bars and enough coffee to keep you running all day long. However, the RVSdC’s real claim to fame is its'  shot of booze. For novelty alone, the RVSdC is worth trying.

Backpacker's Pantry: Ready-Made Meals with Flavor

Backpacker’s pantry is a pretty common sight on hiking trails, and for good reason. Their line of ready made meals is a few notches above run-of-the-mill ramen noodles. The chana masala and Cuban coconut bean and rice mixes are both pretty flavorsome, while the Southwest corn chowder isn’t bad either.

However, if you really can’t live without your noodles, don't panic. Backpacker’s Pantry offers a fantastic ready-made pad thai. Admittedly, it’s not exactly up to Bangkok standards, but it’s the best Thai food you can get in the middle of the wilderness. At the very least, it’s a welcome change from instant ramen. Check out all Backpacker’s Pantry ready-made meals here.

MaryJanesFarm Organic Shepherd's Meat Pie: It’s ready made shepherds pie!

Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a bit of a soft spot for shepherd’s pie. Admittedly, MaryJanesFarm’s organic shepherd’s pie isn’t quite how Mom used to make it, but it’s not terrible either. For one, it’s the only shepherd’s pie I’ve found that can be eaten straight from the bag.

Just pour in some hot water, wait a few minutes, and you’ve got a mush that tastes reasonably good. You can tell it is made with real meat potatoes, not to mention a generous amount of cheese. It’s not bad, and REI sometimes has packs on special deals. Have a look here.

H2 Mi Goreng: Yes, it’s a Ready Made Meal in its Own Right

As an Australian, I’d probably be charged with treason if I didn’t mention this next one. Indomie’s mi goreng noodles are a staple diet for all Australian university students and proof that instant noodles can be a genuinely good meal in their own right.

Americans, forget what you think you know about noodles. Mi Goreng isn’t just a square of noodles with one lousy sachet of chemical flavoring. Instead, it’s a square of noodles with one lousy sachet of extremely addictive chemical flavoring, plus soy sauce, oil and even a little pack of fried shallots. They’re designed to be dry noodles, so either strain them or boil in just a little water. Either way, they’re incredible.

Mi Goreng is easy to find if you happen to be in Australia, New Zealand, some parts of Indonesia and (for some reason) Nigeria. In North America, you can try Asian specialty stores, but you’re probably better off ordering them online. While you’re at it, check out Indomie’s other flavors as well. The soto mie, barbecue chicken and rendang are all worth your time, while the other flavors are nothing to write home about.

NongShim Shin Ramyun: Now That is Spicy!

While we’re in the noodle department, let’s talk about NongShim’s Shim Ramyun. Again, we’re talking instant noodles, so skip ahead if you don’t think this counts as a ready-made meal. These chunky noodles are designed to be eaten in their steaming hot broth.

Without doubt, this broth is the single most flavorsome item on this list. It’s spicy, rich with flavors of kim chi and chili. You also get a little sachet of dried Asian vegetables. If you’re not into spicy food, then you’d better avoid Shin Ramyun. In terms of cost per serving, I’d say it’s perhaps the best ready-made meal available. You can buy it online here.

Good To-Go Thai Curry: A Ready Made Curry with Flavor

If you happen to have a taste for Asian food, but don’t want to eat instant noodles all day, then I’d suggest having a look at Good To-Go’s range. They’re a relatively small Maine-based company mostly aimed at the hiking crowd, but also appealing to survivalists as well.

I recommended their Thai curry; it’s a spicy coconut curry mix that’s easy to toss into an overnight pack. Find it here. Alternatively, their smokey three bean chili is also extremely good. While the Thai curry contains fish, the three bean chili happens to be completely vegan. 

Augason Farms Stew Blends: Ready Made Meals to Stew Over

Augason Farms provides one of the better stews for long term storage. Their vegetable stew blend is surprisingly good, especially given the price. For around $20, you can get 40 servings of decent stew.

It tastes fine, but the consistency might need adjusting, depending on your personal preference. I personally find it a bit thick, and usually add more water than advised. Also, I’d steer clear of their chili cheesy enchilada mix if I were you..

As with all Augason Farms products, you can save a lot by buying in bulk from their website.

Augason Farms Taco Flavored Vegetarian Meat Substitute

Vegetarians will be happy to know that Augason Farms has a good meatless option. The taco meat substitute is noticeably better than Augason’s other foray into Mexican food, and is a good addition to soups and stews. Have a look here.

Mountain House Freeze Dried Desserts: Prepare to Have Your Mind Blown by These Epic Ready Made Desserts!

I’ve saved the best for last. I hinted that Mountain House was going to make another appearance, but did you expect dessert? Most survivalists tend to neglect dessert, as if a sweet treat at the end of the day is supposedly only for snowflakes.

Well, call me a snowflake, because frankly, a good dessert can do wonders to lift spirits after a rough day. It’s for this reason that I consider Mountain House’s line of freeze dried desserts among the best ready-made meals out there. The New York style cheesecake bites are reasonably good, while the raspberry crumble pouches are enjoyable.

However, the ice cream pouches really take the cake. These pouches don’t need to be frozen, thanks to the un-meltable ice cream within. Believe it or not, the icecream actually tastes like…well, ice cream. 

To make best use of Mountain House desserts, I suggest making sure everyone in your group has either the ice cream or one of the (raspberry or apple) crumbles. With a bit of trading, everyone can have a slither of crumble with a side of ice cream. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself over to their website, and stock up on survival ice cream.

Got any good, ready-made meals of your own? Let us know in the comments below.

from SurvivalLife

Friday, 16 February 2018

Destruction of America: U.S. Army recruits ‘not strong enough to throw grenades,’ Military drops to accommodate snowflakes.

Thanks to our Liberal P.C. Culture, the newest generation of Army recruits are ‘entitled, undisciplined & not strong enough to throw grenades.’ Just when you think things can’t get worse with our backward society, you [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

3 Survival Knives You Need From Blade-Tech Industries

Blade-Tech Industries focuses on what their customers need in blade technology. They supply members of law enforcement and the armed forces as well as hunting enthusiasts and survival experts. Blade-Tech Industries is ever increasing their research and development.  As an American manufacturer Blade-Tech Industries puts their country first and supplies only the best. With this in mind, here are three Blade-Tech knives you need for survival.

The RipTide Karambit

The RipTide by Blade-Tech Industries is a Karambit style knife and rapidly deploys via a lever located on the back of the blade itself.  This knife is also assisted by a kicker so the blade is easily deployed with the tip of the index finger.  The belt clip is an ambidextrous belt clip allowing left-handed individuals all the same benefits as right-handed individuals.  The finger well is smooth and not oversized making the RipTide a great hunting and self-defense blade in cold weather while gloves are worn.  The RipTide by Blade-Tech Industries also features the Emerson “WAVE” and “IKBS” patented systems which can be pulled from the pocket, forcing the blade out both quickly and safely for the user.  The RipTide by Blade-Tech Industries also features:

  • Blade Steel AUS 8
  • 2 ¼” blade length
  • 5” overall length
  • Ambidextrous Tip-Up/ Tip-Down pocket clip
  • Blade-Tech V-Hole


For hunting, the RipTide blade is a great blade to have on hand for on-the-spot cutting. For self defense the RipTide by Blade-Tech Industries is a must have for everyday carry because of its rapid deployment for instant use.  With an extremely sharp edge and fine point, the RipTide blade by Blade-Tech Industries is a great tool to have for everyday survival.

Check out more of the RipTide blade by Blade-Tech Industries here:

The Pro Hunter

The Pro Hunter blade by Blade-Tech Industries is a trusted folding knife amongst seasoned hunters and professionals in the law enforcement and military communities.  An ambidextrous clip allows for all individuals left or right hand dominant to have quick access in a moment’s notice to their blade.  The textured handle increases grip while the Blade-Tech V-Hole ensures rapid deployment of the blade even in cold weather while gloves are worn.  The Pro Hunter by Blade-Tech Industries also features:

  • Blade Steel S30V Flat Ground
  • 3 5/8” blade length
  • 4 ¾” overall closed length
  • 5/32” blade thickness
  • 8 3/8” overall open length
  • Ambidextrous Tip-Up / Tip-Down pocket clip
  • Blade-Tech V-Hole


The Pro Hunter blade is an excellent choice for all hunters but still remains one of the most popular knives amongst members of the armed forces.  From police to special forces the Pro Hunter blade by Blade-Tech Industries is more than reliable and a top pick for everyday carry.

Check out more of the Pro Hunter blade by Blade-Tech Industries here:

The Pro Hunter Jr.

The Pro Hunter Jr., much similar to its counterpart the Pro Hunter, is a smaller version but still packs just as hard of a punch. The textured handle allows for increased grip for this E.D.C knife as well as both left and right-handed individuals will be satisfied by the Pro Hunter Jr. due to its ambidextrous clip.  The blade itself features a Blade-Tech V-Hole which ensures a rapid deployment even while gloves are on.  The Pro Hunter Jr. and the Pro Hunter are both designed by Tim Wegner founder of Blade-Tech Industries.  The Pro Hunter Jr. also features:

  • Blade Steel AUS 8
  • 2 ¾” blade length
  • 2 7/8” overall closed length
  • 6 ¾” overall open length
  • Ambidextrous pocket clip
  • Blade-Tech V-Hole


By itself, the Pro Hunter Jr. blade by Blade-Tech Industries is an excellent hunting knife and everyday carry knife.  The pocket clip allows the Pro Hunter Jr. to be attached to your belt for quicker reach.  Designed with all the needs a hunter could ever ask while simultaneously exceeding the needs of members of the law enforcement community and armed forces branches the Pro Hunter Jr. is one of the most trusted blades available on the market.

See more of the Pro Hunter Jr. by Blade-Tech Industries in action here:

from SurvivalLife

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Florida High School Mass Shooting: 14+ Victims Multiple Kids Killed and Injured

Multiple people are dead and wounded after a gunman opened fire inside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. [...]

The post Florida High School Mass Shooting: 14+ Victims Multiple Kids Killed and Injured appeared first on Off Grid Survival - Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills.

from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Off Grid Internet gets a Boost: FCC Approves SpaceX plan to Build Broadband Satellite Service in the United States

Today the FCC approved Elon Musk’s SpaceX plan to build a broadband network using satellites, making way for more reliable Off Grid Internet services. [...]

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from Off Grid Survival – Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Couples Defense: What You Can Do With Your Partner To Stay Safe

Forget the chocolate and flowers! What better way to say I love you this Valentine's Day than to commit to staying safe with your partner.  This Valentine's Day, we celebrate couples defense as a vital skill everyone should learn.

Couples Defense Is Part of The Survivalist Mentality

The world is constantly changing, and in the United States alone there were 3 million preppers in 2013. There isn’t exactly a checkbox to register as a prepper, but the prepping, survivalist and homesteading lifestyles have been on the rise. A decade ago prepping and the survivalist mindset was seen as dramatic and drastic, but in 2018 it’s a common topic. Between the possible threat from other countries, and the equally frightening threat of natural disasters being a prepper makes more and more sense. Even blizzards on the east coast have names now because of their ferocity, being prepared with survival skills to handle natural disasters, or more, is essential, but what can you do to stay safe with a partner?

Planning is part of couples defense

Planning is important when you’re prepping with a partner. Survival is based on strategy and having a solid plan. If you’re together when a situation inevitably happens what’s your plan? Are you staying in place? Moving? What is your game plan if you’re separated when everything goes down? If you’re both at work where are you meeting? Do you both have survival kits in your car just in case? Being prepared and having a solid plan can be the difference between life and death. Make a plan together, ensures both parties know what their side of the plan entails. Together you should figure out if you want to stay at your home or if you want to bug out, plan for both. Agree on a location to meet up again just in case you’re separated when something terrible happens.

Learn how to defend each other

Does your partner know how to defend themselves? Are they skilled at knife throwing or an expert marksman? To defend each other, without one being a burden to the other, you both need to know how to defend each other, and you need to play off each other’s strengths. You can also play off of each other’s strengths when it comes to regular duties, such as purifying water or hunting. Both of you should know hand to hand and long distance techniques to ensure you can keep each other safe in multiple scenarios. Learning a fighting style, or learning how to shoot with your partner, are both tactics that can help you stay safe while also giving you someone with whom you can train. Most importantly though, you need to be sure your partner is on board with the defense plan.

Get in shape and stay in shape

You don’t want to be the person who knows karate but can’t execute the proper moves because you are out of shape. You need to stay in shape while keeping on top of your self-defense game. Make sure you’re in top shape, cardio is essential, in case you need to get out of a dangerous situation fast. Eat right and work out regularly. Being prepared doesn’t mean getting ready and then being sedentary, it means getting ready, and then staying ready. A regular workout regimen, which you can do together, keeps you in shape while giving you a partner to hold you accountable.

Couples defense requires you to be prepared for anything

If something happens, either a natural disaster or something more sinister, you need to be ready. A bug out bag is what a lot of enthusiasts put together and regularly maintain. They have limited supplies of food, water, a way to purify water, medical necessities, along with anything else you may need. The most significant mistake when getting a bug out, or go bag, together is over packing. You’ll need to pack light, remember to play off each other’s strengths. For example, if one of you is faster and stronger, they should carry the heavier objects. You need to stay together and work together. Travel light, only with necessities, such as food, water, a water purifier, a change of socks, feminine hygiene items if one of you is female and perhaps collapsible cookware. As little as possible is what you’re aiming for. Plan out your bug out bags ahead of time, and keep your bags up to date. 

You can also start stockpiling resources such as medical supplies, canned goods, and dehydrated foods. Take a look at emergency response lists; they may have different objects you might be forgetting about. Preparing for survival at home isn’t difficult, you can compile resources regularly, but you should always be prepared to bug out, just in case your home is compromised.

Know basic first aid

If neither of you is a doctor or nurse, learning basic first aid skills together is essential. In a survival situation, a small cut from the wrong piece of wood or metal can make you sicker than any sneeze. Tetanus alone can kill if you’re not up to date on your shots, and you need to be prepared with any medicines either of you may require regularly. Always be sure you’re up to date on your shots, and learn basic first aid together such as how to clean and stitch wounds and stop bleeding. It’d also be wise to stock up on antibiotics and pain relievers or painkillers if you can, you’ll never know when they’ll be helpful. Hopefully, you’ll never need to use the knowledge, but if you need it, then you’ll have it.

Learn the basics together

Worst case scenario your home has been ransacked, and all your gear and materials have been compromised if not stolen. Do you know how to survive without all of your things? Knowing how to find food, purify water, and handle defenses without having all your gear can be the difference between life and death. Always prepare for the worst-case scenario. If you lose or break your water purifier, do you know how to make one? Do you know what part of an animal to eat, and what parts you shouldn’t eat? Do you know how to hunt, kill, skin and prepare that animal? How about how to build an adequate shelter? Knowledge is power, and being ready for the worst case scenario is the best for your survival. Learn the basics together, if you forget how to purify water than your significant other will likely remember.

How will pets fit into your couples defense plan?

If you have pets how do they fit into your plan? Will you abandon them, or take them with you? Taking them with you is hopefully what you’ll choose, and if you do, you’ll need to prep for them too. How are you keeping them safe? Whose job is it to watch them? Are they cats or dogs? What are they eating or drinking? Dogs in a disaster situation are more useful than cats; they help deter people from approaching you keeping you safer. Cats are less helpful, but you should still bring them with you if you can. Plan together about how you’ll handle the pet situation if a disaster strikes.

Use couples defense tactics to prepare for the worst

When you’re planning to survive you need to prepare for the worst. Plan, to either bug out to a secondary location, or stay in your home. Are you bringing your pets or not? Are you physically ready to defend yourself and your things? Do you have all your bug out bags ready and necessary medicine tucked away? There is no such thing as being too prepared when it comes to survival. Preparing for survival alone is a full-time job, but preparing to defend each other with your partner ensures you can focus on your strengths. You can hold each other accountable for different aspects of prepping, and ensure that you’re ready, no matter when disaster strikes.

This Valentines Day promise your loved one that you will work with him/her to prepare a couples defense strategy that will protect you both!

from SurvivalLife

Sunday, 11 February 2018

10 Eye-Catching Folding Hunting Knives

25 Ways to Get Clean Drinking Water in an Emergency

If you love the outdoors or you have gone on a trip in the wilderness you know how fast you could gulp down a bottle of water. It can be the intense heat of the sun beating down on you or you’re sweating profusely from all the rigorous activities that your body has been through. What if you run out of water in the middle of nowhere? You may come across a body of water but you’re not too sure about it being clean unless you’re an extreme survivalist. You wouldn’t want to end up with diarrhea or stomach problems, would you? Whether you’re outdoors or at home, being able to get clean drinking water in an emergency is vital to quench your thirst and survive.

The following list will show you’re a number of ways to get clean drinking water should you find yourself in a pinch.

  1. Rainwater

    – This can be the most basic substitute next to having a direct source of potable drinking water. You can collect them in rain barrels attached to the downspouts from your roof. The need for straining, filtering and purifying is still needed prior to consumption.

  2. Hot Seat

    – The tank of your toilet seat that has a removable lid, more often than not, can be a good source of drinkable clean water. Since it comes directly from your tap then it may be good to drink. However, that would depend on the age of your toilet.

  3. Water Heater Tanks

    – You will not have to boil the water taken from these tanks as it has already done that for you. Just make sure you turn off the gas or electricity before unplugging the drain at the bottom of the tank.

  4. The SODIS Way

    –  SODIS or solar ultraviolet water disinfection utilizes solar energy(UV-radiation) to purify water to rid it from diarrhea-causing pathogens and other harmful microorganisms. All you need is a clear water bottle or a plastic water bag, sunlight and a short waiting time.

  5. Boiling It in a Pot

    – Pour the water through a coffee filter or a piece of cloth to rid it of visible debris and dirt. Heat up the water until it starts to boil. If you have a thermometer it is best that the water temperature reaches a boiling point of 212° F or 100° C to kill all pathogens.

  6. Soil/Sand Filter

    – Without the latest technology water filters, one has to go back to the basics. Using a clean empty container, place a shirt or piece of cloth over it then fill it with sand or soil which will act as your filter. Other than removing sediments and particles, there is no assurance on the presence of bacteria.

  7. Use a Solar Still

    – Just by digging a 3 feet deep hole into a ground, and using a wide plastic container you’ll be good to go. It may take some time but if you really don’t have any other option then waiting for your drink can be far off better than ingesting potentially harmful water.

  8. Evaporation Distillation Method

    – You can even turn salt water into drinking water through different methods. It may require a bit more energy and more complex tools. However, it may be worth the wait especially if you’re located near the beach or floating aimlessly on a boat in the ocean.

  9. Filtrating Through Moss

    – Moss absorbs moisture and can give you a quick sip if water can’t be found anywhere else. The web-like structure of moss also helps sift visible dirt and debris. But this doesn’t ensure the that the water you take out of moss is 100% purified.

  10. DIY Pocket Water Filter

    – A small tube-like piece of material like bamboo can be used as your base. Fill it with moss, then charcoal, then moss again in respective order. Top it with the top end of a plastic bottle sealed with pine pitch will give you an instant water filter.

  11. A DIY Water Filter

    – With the use of ordinary day to day items such as a  gallon bucket and a little bit of patience you can have your own filtration system when out in the wild. Adding bleach or chlorine will give you safe drinking water to end your hydration worries.

  12. Purify a la Pool Shock

    – Also known as Calcium Hypochlorite which can be a substitute for bleach in purifying water. It has a very long shelf life, occupies very little space for storage, very cheap and most of all is readily available almost everywhere.

  13. Fire It Up System

    – With the use of 2 metals drum, a sheet of metal sheet and a fire you can get distilled water for drinking. Place a fire at the bottom of the drum with bad water then arrange the metal sheet in a curve-like manner in an angle where it will drip steam into the catch drum.

  14. Bleach Your Way Out Of It

    – You can disinfect a gallon of water with just 16 drops of chlorine bleach or a quarter with just 4 drops. This does not substitute the boiling method though. Don’t forget to filter the water from sediments and debris.

  15. Through Hydrogen Peroxide Purification

    – This household ingredient has that capacity to purify water like that of chlorine and bleach. You will have to treat the water with twice the amount than that of chlorine or bleach. Shake or stir then let it sit for half an hour. There should be a slight peroxide odor after that. Otherwise, it may not have done a significant purification effect.

  16. Iodine Tablets

    – Filtering the water from sediments is still needed since all that these little wonders can do is purify your water. 1 small tablet can purify up to a liter of water. Drop it in, give it a little shake and let it stand for 30 minutes before drinking.

  17. Potassium Permanganate Purification

    – KMNO4 or more commonly called Condy’s crystals is a water softener that is sold in pill or powder form. 1g or 3 to 4 crystals can purify a liter of water.

  18. Combo System

    – A combination of all the basic ways to get clean water would ensure it is indeed safe to drink. Filtering, distilling, chlorinating/disinfecting water from different water sources will give you peace of mind that you’re drinking safe water.

  19. Hydration Backpack System

    – You can fill the Geigerrig pack with water taken from lakes, rivers, creeks, and streams to name a few and then attach the filter. You’ll be drinking clean drinking water even on the go in no time.

  20. The Berkey Light Purification Device

    – This lightweight, shatter-resistant purifier needs no electricity and is capable of filtering 4 to 8 gallons of the murkiest water. Getting clean water has never been this safe because it’s more than “just another water filter…”

  21. Sucking It Up System

    – You will have to embrace the suck on this one as you will surely be sucking it up since your life will surely depend on it. All it takes for you is to pop, dip and suck then you’re good to go. This little compact tool is called the Lifestraw and it weighs only about 2 oz. you will not have to worry about a worry about bringing a bottle anymore.

  22. SteriPEN It

    – This revolutionary handheld water purifier is tested and certified by the WQA against US EPA Microbiological Water Purifier Standard. It uses UV light to make your water safe to drink. You will have to filter the water from dirt and debris though as it just sterilizes your water.

  23. Sweetwater Purifier System

    – With an easy-to-use lever action pump handle that can provide 1 Liter of drinkable water per minute. This system weighs only 14 oz. and can be easily stored and pack in your bag.

  24. Katadyn Water Filtration System

    – This mini filter can produce one to two quarts per minute depending on the mode applied. Depending on the quality of the water source the cartridge can give up to 500 gallons of water.

  25. DIY Water Storage

    – Preparation for long-term is also a must. Carefully clean containers to be used for water storage, sanitize and label according to date filled, store in a cool dark place and then rotate container every six months to a year.

There are a lot of other ways or methods as well as tools and equipment that one can put into good use to get clean drinking water in the event of an emergency. Making sure of the unsure should the situation call for it is the most basic survival tool that any survivalist must utilize.  You are sure to survive longer or even get through an emergency situation if you master the basic techniques above.

from SurvivalLife

20 Exercises to Boost Your Chances of Survival

Emergencies and disasters are stressful situations for anyone. They take a physical, psychological, mental, and emotional toll on everyone, but especially on those that are physically unfit. Survivors undergo challenging situations such as anger, fear, stress, frustration, and depression once they experience the death of friends or loved ones. Illness and injuries are no exemptions. The following list is made to help those who need to be physically and mentally fit to increase their chances of survival.

  1. Walking

    – Find a few minutes each day to step away from your daily routine. Undergo different walking exercises for physical upkeep. This is especially important for people who are sitting most of the day at the workplace and at home. Proper breathing techniques along with steps/strides help to increase blood flow, stamina, and overall physical condition.

  2. Running

    – Running works to condition your body and increase stamina. Running in the event of a disaster or emergency can be the difference between life and death. Start slow and then increase the coverage and pace of running over time as you become comfortable.

  3. Sprinting

    – Also called interval training, you perform 30-second sprints at least once a week with slow walking in-between sprints for at 20 minutes. Survival situations sometimes require you to run as fast as you can from tsunamis, wild animals, thieves, fires, and so much more.

  4. Squats

    – In order to have a solid foundation to build their physical stamina on, you must build up muscle endurance in your legs.  Surviving might mean you have to pick a fight. Being able to stand your ground should it come to blows with an opponent is important to your survival.

  5. Burpees

    – Burpees are a great conditioning exercise and should be integrated with a strength building plan. You can use them for warm-up or for core training.

  6. Wall Pushups

    – This can be especially beneficial for older people since it aims to increase the strength in the chest and shoulder areas. It is not hard on the body like regular pushups, yet, it helps build upper body strength. This is essential especially if you were to ever have to carry heavy items for a long distance.

  7. Plyometrics

    – Also known as “the jump training technique”, this exercise aims at strengthening the muscles through explosive movements. It improves your muscle power, agility, balance, and strength. Being able to continue going strong ever after hours of physical endurance is vital to survival.

  8. Parkour and Freerunning

    – Even one without prior knowledge or experience can easily follow the step-by-step instructions to this exercise. It’ll teach you superior balance, how to land with minimal impact, the proper rolling techniques, and how to get up and over walls in a jiff are just among the few skills that one can learn which will surely be useful if in a survival situation.

  9. Natural Movement Discipline

    – Train in the Brazilian rain forest with one of the most physically fit men in the world, Erwan Le Corre. He will enable you to learn about converting speed and forced into an endless set of practical movements that could spell life or death in a survival situation.

  10. 20-minute Hotel Workout

    – You can do this inside the room of your hotel or your bedroom at home without the use of any gym equipment. Broken down into three levels from beginners to advanced training, it consists of four types of exercises which focus on the legs, push-pull and core that aims to burn fat, build muscle, and exercise your heart.

  11. Prepper Fitness Guide

    – This workout consists of walking, carrying weights, running, strength training, flexibility, swimming, and defensive skills. Learn all these on a day-to-day basis at your own pace. A more serious fitness program for Preppers is a book from Dan F. Sullivan’s called, “Run, Prepper, Run!”

  12. The Wild Woodsman Workout

    – The use of an ax or sledgehammer, a log /old tire, a backpack or a saw are most basic things you will need. With the use of one or more of these tools, you will learn a proper swinging motion that engages your core muscles.

  13. Survival Fitness Daily Workout

    – You don’t have to go to the gym to do this workout. It’s easy to do and you will only have to do it at 3 to 5 times a week. Generally, you will have to walk at least a mile. increasing the distance and the weight of your backpack over time.

  14. Survival Training Workout

    – This workout can be broken down into five parts. These parts are named Evade, Escape, Attack, Balance, and Rescue. It is composed of different unique methods, but primarily promotes sprinting, do chin-ups, pull-ups, and squats.

  15. Zombie Apocalypse Workout

    – This workout consists of ladders (also known as suicides), deadlifts, overhead shoulder presses, pushups, squats, biceps curls, standing wood chops, and deep knee bends. It will test your strength and stamina as it works on key muscle groups on your body.

  16. The Walking Dead Workout

    – This ultimate workout literally says it all. It requires little to no equipment in order to be in tip-top shape whatever the odds.  A total of 7 days which is composed of three days of running and another three days of strength training.

  17. Military and Navy Seal Exercises

    – If you want the hardcore proven and tested exercises then this is the one for you. It will start with basic US army boot camp exercises, military workout then the Navy Seal workout. It has videos that show various exercises of which you can choose from. You can go through each session at your own pace. As long as you perform each correctly, you’ll be fine.

  18. Comprehensive Bodyweight Workout

    – This is a list of various workouts created by different people from official Crossfit trainers to athletes. You will surely not run out of options with this list of WOD’s. Just take your pick and see how it can change your life when it comes to being fit and ready.

  19. Winter Workout Survival Regimen

    – For those that live in areas that have four seasons, preparing for the winter survival is critical. It has a High-Intensity Interval Training that intends to up your cardio, melts away excess fat and boosts your body’s metabolic rate. This workout will also help keep you warm.

  20. The TACFIT Commando System

    – With just 20 minutes a day, you can have a full body workout based upon real programs used to train SEALs, secret service, and Israeli counter-terrorism trainees. It uses only your body weight and very little space. If you wish to follow the Complete TACFIT Commando Training System you can order it online.

Having these awesome lists to pick from is really great for those that really want to increase their chances in surviving a disaster situation. However, without the proper commitment, time and dedication to really following it to the letter and incorporating it into your daily activities, you’re never gonna achieve anything at all in any emergency or disaster. So suck it up and start now! Not tomorrow, not even later! But NOW! You’ll reap the benefits when the time comes. You can thank me later…

from SurvivalLife